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A guide to booking a boat trip on the Norfolk Broads

A guide to booking and navigating the Norfolk Broads from complete novices!

The Norfolk Broads has been something I have always wanted to do. Holidays in Britain often get over looked especially in the winter months as people get drawn to sunnier climates. This is a guide to booking a boat trip on the Norfolk Broads.

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We however wanted a last minute break in the UK that was a little bit different.

The Norfolk Broads seemed the perfect choice of however a little daunting.

The Norfolk Broads a guide to booking


Booking made easy.

Once we had started to look at boat companies we soon realised how much of a mine field it was. What area do you start in? How big or new should your boat be? And then the realisation that you will be in charge of this floating mini hotel!

We soon found out that most boats from smaller companies were booked up so we looked on hoseseasons who host boating holidays from lots of boat companies, meaning we had lots of choice without it taking months of research.

A guide to booking a boat trip on the Norfolk Broads Brinks Serenade 2

Choose where to cruise north or south

Many people say the north is a good place to start, there are many places to hire from such as Wroxham, Horning or Stalham.

Alternatively from the south you could try Brundell or maybe Reedham.

We decided to try the north of the Broads on a boat called the Brinks Serenade from Barnes Brinkcraft. A beautiful 4 +2 birth boat, quite some modern with lots of onboard facilities.

The Serenade unlike some other boats doesn’t have an outside seating area but the roof of the boat does go back. This gives you have a safe area with high sides if you have smaller children or dogs.

Heading out from Wroxham you have us lots of scope to tour the Broads taking in some beautiful sights.

The Brinks Serenade on the Norfolk Broads near Wroxham


Getting organised for a perfect holiday on the Broads

Packing was a work of art in itself we needed to really work out what was needed and what not.

So food supply’s in small packages such as spray oil, kitchen wipes and snacks. We had no idea how we would manage cooking on a boat so went for easy bits and pieces, we knew the pubs would be calling too.

As it was autumn we also knew we could not rely on the weather so rain macs walking shoes and blankets were packed on board.

A few card games, fishing rods and even some prosecco for me!

I only hoped we were ready!

Arriving at the boat yard we put all of our luggage onboard and then sat through a short boat tutorial.

We were issued with life jackets, maps and a fabulous survival pack ready to go.


A guide to booking your first holiday on the Norfolk Broads with Brinkscraft


Tips for packing for a Broads holiday

My hubby who has some experience with boats felt ready to take the helm! I was not so sure.

I need not of worried in fact the whole boating experience was great from start to finish. We had some laughs along the way. We mastered the art of mooring and reversing past several large boats and we survived.


Barnes Brinkcraft A guide to booking a boat trip on the Norfolk Broads


Here are some tips for first time boaters and what you might need to take.

1. Warm clothes, it is nice to have the boat open so lots of layers and not slip shoes. Include slippers pyjamas and blankets.

2. All your kitchen essentials, washing up liquid, bin liners, maybe a hand wash and cream for hands what with all of the washing up!

3. Air freshener, toilet rolls and easy face wipes. The toilets are small think ease of washing.

4. Games, cards,  board games, fishing rods etc.

5. Easy cook food, with only a couple of hobs try to keep it simple. Try snacks and drinks, breakfasts such a porridge pots to be topped up with hot water or cereal.

6. Torches, life jackets for dogs and your camera!

I hope you enjoyed a guide to booking a boat trip on the Norfolk Broads Take a look here to see what we got up too.

D x

A guide to booking a boat trip on the Norfolk Broads own image


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