{ Wev’e been to Disney!}
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Wow! wev’e just got back from Disney had a great time bit worn out though! We are now at the house in france, here are some pics of our fab time! Harry adored it all though he was afraid of the characters. Owen just was amazed here is a pic of him getting his autographs which was great fun! just look at his face.
We are just relaxing now before we go home. Darren just set up broadband and believe it or not the connection is faster out than that at home and we are in the middle of nowhere!
Happy scrappping! I sure have alot of pics to play with and i know i have some kits waiting on my doorstep when i get home.
One of which is the scrapagogo charity kit which can be seen here at www.scrapagogo.co.uk all proceeds go to the charity The Neurofibromatosis Assocation (NFA). A very good excuse to buy a kit and the papers are amazing black, red and white (charitys colours) with a stamp too! (see image ubove for some of the fantastic designs by the design team ) All that and its only £12 .