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Walk with the Dogs

I love a walk with the dogs this time of year, it’s not too hot and not too cold. The leaves are just starting to fall  from the trees and it is starting to look beautiful.

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Whilst browsing my blog I realised that I had not introduced our two dogs Yoda and Dolly. Trying to capture these two monkeys in a photo is a bit of a mission especially when out on a walk. With their noses to the ground they dart about in every corner and under every fallen tree, escaping my lens with sheer stealth.

However I did catch a few, I love this shot of Dolly with leaves all caught in her whiskers where she has been hunting out every nook and cranny. I do wonder what she’s looking for?

I love a walk with the dogs Boston terrier

This quiet little wood is on the back of haningfield reservoir and will be the first of many winter walks around Essex this season. I am hoping to get some good shots of them this winter as I am going on a photography course to learn how to get the best use out of my new camera.

woods I love a walk with the dogs Boston terrier

My favourite place to walk is around Epping forest, I grew up spending the best part of my days walking these woods with my dear old nan. I love to take the dogs here especially when I not feeling so good as it always cheers me up it feels so special there. There are always plenty of photo opportunities around this area as you can walk for miles and maybe stop in a few pubs along the way!

This is Yoda waiting patiently for his treat, I think he was hungry. He is the oldest of our two Boston terriers, at 8 years old he still has plenty of stamina to catch up with mad little 1 year old Dolly. The dogs have become a huge part in all of our lives. Dogs are great for reducing stress, a brisk walk or curled up cuddle for 10 mins and you instantly feel bit better. They both have their own individual quirkiness that we love and are so incredibly loving.

I love a walk with the dogs Boston terrier

Whilst writing this post I came across a post by Lucy at ‘Kids of the wild’ called never throw sticks to dogs. You can read here on what a hazard sharp sticks can cause for your beloved animals. I hadn’t really though about it before, Dolly loves a stick.  I am glad I have read Lucy’s article as I would be devasted to think on one of our lovely walks they would come to any harm.

Thank you for meeting Yoda and Dolly.

D x

I love a walk with the dogs Boston terrier


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  1. Ah gorgeous photos of the terrible two bless them. They honestly make me dizzy when I am at yours! Do you not remember Edward cutting his tongue open on a stick years ago at Billericay park, he had to wear that mood cat collar for ages bless him. I never let Toby have sticks after that x

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