Shanghai Tang by Mick Bose
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Shanghai Tang, a chilling thriller that really packs a punch!
About the author
If you are enthralled by Lee Child, David Baldacci and mesmerised by Vince Flynn, then you will like Mick Bose. Mick Bose is a writer in London who can often be found jogging around the parks of Wimbledon, when he is not writing.
The popular and well received series about Dan Roy is a tornado of hard action and military secrets. A novella introducing Dan is now out, which is available to subscribers free at
He also has a standalone thriller, Enemy Within, which is a nail biting, fast paced manhunt about a secret weapon that can change World War 1. It is also a gesture of respect to the 100-year anniversary of the Great War.
Shanghai Tang – a fast paced and heart pounding action thriller from the wildly popular Dan Roy Series.
A betrayed assassin is thrust into the secret life of Shanghai’s underworld.
Dan Roy, ex Black Ops legend, is becoming a new legend in the infamous blood fight tournament called Kumite, in Hong Kong. He is carving himself a new life, when disaster strikes his loved ones back home. He gets a phone call, and he cannot deny Kimberly Smith’s plea for help. Not only is Kim’s life endangered, the rumbles of discontent have reached the White House…
A devastating secret lurks inside the glamorous night life of Shanghai. Political interests are involved, and soon Dan finds himself in a ruthless and twisted struggle for survival. He gets help from Xiao Wei-Ling, A Chinese woman who is on the run herself. An ambitious Triad boss is making a bid to overrule the whole of Shanghai, and Dan Roy has become a thorn in his side. The Triads have help from the police, and all eyes are on Dan – alone in a foreign land.
Get prepared for a white-knuckle ride from Hong Kong and Shanghai to the corridors of power in Washington, as we follow Dan on a terrifying adventure that could be his last.
Will Dan meet his nemesis in the murky underworld of Shanghai? Or will he fight to live another day?
If you play cards with the devil the game never stops
I loved Shanghai Tang, what could be better than a fast paced thriller set in stunning China.
As I was hearing about the city I started to feel like I was actually there. Mick’s way of writing absorbs you in to the scene and I was totally engrossed. learning about the triads and the underground fighting was so interesting. Along with hustle and bustle of the bars and clubs the images of the Triads were firmly imprinted on my mind.
What’s starts as an ordinary missing person case opens up in to something more serious. Lin Yang is wanted man by more than one person!
This is a thriller with real gut wrenching crime enclosed. Fast paced and a bit gory in places with twists that you will not see coming!
This is the 4th book in the series and I didn’t need to have read the previous books to understand all about Dan. He is a pretty interesting character and really tough but seems to have his heart in the right place.
I quite liked the way the book flicked from USA to China and back again the story really flowed and I found myself wanting to know more quite quickly. A great read.
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Excellent review