
Benefits of Exercise on your Mental Health

When you’re in a poor place mentally, the last thing you probably want to do is exercise. If you motivate yourself by doing a little bit of exercise every day, you’ll soon see the benefits. So what are those Benefits of Exercise on your Mental Health and why does exercise improve it?

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Exercise decreases stress hormones in your body such as adrenaline and cortisol. In addition to regular exercise, some individuals find that incorporating IV therapy in Sacramento into their wellness routine can further help in managing stress and boosting overall energy levels by providing essential nutrients and hydration directly to the body.

Exercise also stimulates the production of endorphins which are chemicals in the brain. These chemicals are the body’s natural painkillers and mood elevators.

Why exercise improves your mental health in many ways and what exercise is best, these are the Benefits of Exercise on your Mental Health

Get outside in the fresh air and take a walk! Walking through a field
Get outside in the fresh air and take a walk!

Exercise gives you Better stress management

Exercise improves the way you handle stress. When you’re prone to struggle with your own mental health, it can come in many forms such as;

  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Extreme stress
  • Intrusive thoughts about yourself
  • Sleepless nights
  • Panic attacks
  • And even hair Loss

But by formulating an exercise plan and sticking to it, your brain can be kept sharp. Thus its occupied by focusing on the routine of your workouts.

And when those anxious and intrusive thoughts hit again, exercise gives your body a powerful boost, releasing those essential feel-good hormones to keep you fighting those thoughts.

Confidence in your appearance

Self-esteem in relation to how we perceive ourselves has always been a big part of a person’s mental health. Overcoming your self confidence can really help you with your self-esteem. And while no one should be made to feel like they need to change their appearance for anyone but themselves, that confidence boost can help you to stay motivated and on the right track.

The biggest block for achieving this can sometimes be not wanting to be seen in a large group or gym by others. But there are ways around this. For example, in London private personal trainers are available to guide you, without the concerns and worries of being judged in a larger group setting.

Better sleep patterns

By helping to make you feel more tired at the end of every day, a good exercise regime can help to improve your sleeping patterns too! Sleep is one of the most important ways to stay as healthy as possible, and the refreshingly deep sleep that comes with exercise has huge benefits in terms of mental health.  

Improving your sleep can be done in a number of ways such as;

  • Exercise in the day
  • Using a good pillow
  • Avoid caffeine after 10am
  • Keeping the room dark
  • Winding down before bedtime

Reduced potential for depression

While mental health is different for each person, there are studies that show how exercise and diet can help to reduce depression. As a natural aid to keep your mind active and healthy, exercising regularly can help to fight off depression, or at the very least, help to alleviate the symptoms.

Happier overall mood

When you combine all of these incredible benefits to your brain and body, externally and internally, your overall mood can begin to elevate. This happier and better overall mood will inspire you to push further, stick to your exercising routine, and keep yourself in this much healthier mental state.

The chance to be social and make new friends

Many people who struggle with mental health issues find it difficult to connect with others and forge new friendships. But joining a local aerobics group or exercise class can help you feel better about yourself while meeting new people at the same time.

You never know – a little planning and dedication now may open you up to a whole new world of friends, possibilities and better overall mental health.

How much exercise should you do for the Benefits of Exercise on your Mental Health?

Try exercising every day, not necessarily hitting the gym but just 30 to 40 minutes of moderate exercise such as walking is good for you. 30 minutes need not to be continuous either. If you can not walk outside try a treadmill. Three 10-minute treadmill walking workouts are equally as good and as useful as one 30-minute walk.

You can add a little strength training and stretching two to three times a week or maybe even some Yoga. And if you need more help with stress, consider some breathing exercises involving deep breathing too.

Try scrapbooking a great hobby for mindfulness too!


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