Ways to Use Odd Socks
If you constantly feel like you are losing socks check out these brilliant ways to use old mismatched socks
If you constantly feel like you are losing socks, you’re not alone. Losing socks in the laundry is a widespread issue. In fact, the average person will lose more than a sock a month, which can equate to over 1,000 lost socks during an average lifetime. I have drawn up a list of things to make or craft with odd socks.
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Over time, most of us develop quite the collection of old and mismatched socks with no partner. While many people will simply elect to throw these away, that’s not the best thing to do. There are several different things that you can do to give these socks a second chance.
Whether you have gotten some new socks from Elite Sports Socks, or simply have too many odd socks, this article is going to go over some brilliant ways and crafts to use those old mismatched socks.

Make a Stress Ball
Unfortunately, many people today are dealing with a lot of stress. This can come from work, finances or any number of other potential worries. Thankfully, an old or mismatched sock can make a great stress ball. All you need to do is pill a plastic bag with some putty or clay, and put it inside the socks.
Tie up (or stitch) the sock and voila, you have a makeshift stress ball. It will work incredibly well and squeezing the ball for a couple of minutes is sure to help tame your stress. If the clay or putty gets worn out or doesn’t work anymore, you can easily re-add more.
Cleaning and Dusting Rags
Another great role these old socks can play is that of a cleaning rag. Spills and other messes are common throughout a home (especially with children). While we often use paper towels or other disposable things to clean these messes, this is very wasteful.
Instead, consider cutting up your old socks and using them to clean up messes. They are generally quite absorbent and can be cleaned and reused many times. In addition to cleaning up spills and messes, these socks can also help with dusting as dust and dirt will often cling to the fibers of the sock.
A Fresh Sachet
While it would be lovely if our homes and every room in them always smelt fresh and clean, this isn’t always the case. Gym clothes, cat litter, dirty laundry and other things can take a home from fresh to foul very quickly. Instead of dealing with it or constantly having to clean, consider creating a fresh sachet with a mismatched sock.
Take your clean sock, fill it with some potpourri or other spice, and then put it anywhere that could use a little freshening up. They are perfect for gym bags, closets or even on the window sill. You can even add a few drops of essential oils, if you’d like.

A Sock Monkey
If you have children, consider using these old socks to make a fun craft or toy. There are dozens of different options and it can be a great way to spend an afternoon with your family. It can be a unique art piece, a koozie for a cup or even a sock monkey. The choice is up to you and your children.
All you will need is a sock or two, and then maybe head down to the local craft store to get some additional items like yarn, buttons, thread and anything else you might need!

Make Home Christmas Decorations
You can even make snowmen to decorate your home at Christmas time with odd socks!
Make dolls clothes with leftover odd socks
Why not try your hand at making clothes for dolls with socks. You can make hats, jumpers and dresses for dolls with socks.
Make a Sock Puppet!
Use your imagination and make a sock puppet! These sock people are great for kids to make and play with on a rainy day.
Hopefully the DIY ideas in this article have been able to inspire you and help you find some new uses for your old socks.
Thanks for reading my ideas on ways to use odd socks.
Donna x