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Our first Geocache! great days out with kids!

Our first Geocache!
Geocaching is a real world treasure hunt! The idea is you download the app it’s finds your location and suggests different geocaches to find.
A geocache is a capsule or box or anything that can hold items and a list of who has found it.
You can find the website here http://www.geocaching.com

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It’s absolutely fantastic to do with kids and the app tracks your found geocaches and suggests your next ones. There are plenty all over the world so you will always have another one  to find somewhere.

We started out on a nice long walk with the dog , the weather looked a bit grey but the sun was shining on the outset. Harry grabbed a nice long stick and Owen tried to dodge the mud as he didn’t put his wellies on.
We walkers to the site of our first geocache which was a nano cache ( small one ) near the church, after stopping for photos and then  we used the app to point us in the right direction.

We thought long and hard about where someone would hide something and Owen spotted a small old camera film case in the base of a tree.

We found it! Owen was pleased as punch and let’s face it it takes a lot to keep them interested now they are teenagers! We forgot the pen to sign the log but we will go back and do that. So we logged the geo on the app as found and placed it back for someone else to find. We want to do our own one now.

Pleased we had found our first geo we headed home and got caught in an almighty hail storm where Harry exclaimed that this was the Best day ever!

I used the picture of us finding the geocache as our first 190 happy days photo.

 is the real-world treasure hunt that’s happening right now, all around you. There are 2,341,423 active geocaches and over 6 million geocachers worldwide.


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