( fab finds)
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Ive been nosing around blogs all morning and have come across some fantastic sites! One is a site where you can design your own blogBook, Yes you can have your whole blog printed on to your own Book! The prices look reasonable and it has free downloadable software to help you design looks fab!
I think its a great idea seeing as so many people put such an effort in to there blogs and to have it printed would be really cool!
check it out here! www.blurb.com/create/book/blogbook
Also you must check out this sight which designs your own email invitations!They are really modern and the photgraphy is amazing. Really cool worth a look even if its just for some inspiration! http://www.pingg.com/
Ill be back soon meanwhile here is one of marchs designed scrapagogo designed los!
ooooh what a nifty blog….have book marked you for when I have time to sit and read properly…:-)
Love your blog and that LO hs one of my fav colour combos for males – its gorgeous.
what a gorgeous LO this is ! & I have really enjoyed perusing your blog .. will be bookmarking this for a return visit ! 🙂
Love your blog! Going to have a better read later! Like the site for email invites, could do with some inspiration.
Great blog. Love this LO great colours
i just ordered a blog book after seeing you link cant wait to get it now.
nicola c
Not quite sure where to start here, but here goes. Firstly I love the layout, do you mind if I scraplift it? Thanks also for the link to the blog book, which I’ve bookmarked along with your site for a good look later. I’ve really enjoyed the quick look I’ve had at your blog and have gained loads of inspiration.